UBC Ponderosa Housing Hubs

The Ponderosa Housing Hubs are two mixed-use buildings for the UBC student body. These buildings are not only intended to be a housing hub, but also to bring personality to the campus by providing the students with vibrant and pleasant places to live, study, and enjoy their experience as UBC students.
WHM was presented with an extremely aggressive timeline to meet the deadline for student occupancy. Further to the deadline challenge, extensive coordination was necessary to satisfy the requirements of each of the user groups involved in the programming. Our excellent coordination and communication abilities as well as our effective use of resources allowed the project to proceed on time while meeting each of the user groups’ requirements. Once completed in 2016, these hubs will house 1,100 students, provide both academic and informal learning spaces, and include various other amenities and services for students.
Location: Vancouver, BC | Size: 500,000 sq. ft.
Architect: HCMA and KPMB Architects